Sunday, November 18, 2012

             I use to write about being single and dating, the light side of life alone. It was wonderful, living the life of a city gal; happy hours and ladies nights. It didn't really matter what it was specifically happening, it could have been a boring Sunday, I would be there, dressed up, and ready to interact, show everyone how independent I was. There was so much more I was hiding, that was affecting every aspect of my life; I was suffering from alcoholism and depression. My dating and single experiences didn't end with a broken heart, they were accompanied with an awful hangover and a consistent insecurity.
           I was convinced my “social” drinking was normal, what a single lady should do because most of the media encouraged it. It was anything but social, it isolated me from the real society, healthy and productive society. I was hiding from my real feelings and I lost interest in everything. I was hiding behind makeup and a smile.
          I wanted and needed a better life, and in time, would be finding it. I have been given another opportunity to share my life with you and I am honored. This time you will see my journey through recovery and adulthood, without happy hour. So much has happened that is not always interesting, but will be rigorously honest, and hopefully a little humorous also. My name is Michelle and I am a single mother, a woman who loves living, and I am an alcoholic.

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