Throughout my life, I have been repeatedly told by just about half of the people I've encountered, something negative. Most of the time it was something that was directed at me, and this has taken to until now to get over.
It is really frustrating and sad if you think about it; why would someone want to say cruel and intentionally spiritually crushing comments?
In a modern world with so much technology, books that can be read online and in your hand online, and tons of information to get us through the hard times, why do some people yet feel the need to externalize what they are feeling internally? I am stumped.
For years I tolerated it and kept hoping that the person/situation would change(exhausted myself with advice and also stuffing away those feelings these people/situations gave me). However, they are gut feelings and your instincts will save you, they saved me.
I have recently started putting my energy into positive things and positive friends. I have cut ties with people who I found myself second guessing my true personality around. It is the best decision I have made in years and I have gained energy and self esteem doing it. It wasn't easy; setting boundaries, being honest, and weaning the bad apples out, but it was extremely needed and essentially beneficial.
I found myself becoming negative to the positive/healthy friends/situations I encountered because I was becoming what It was I experiencing. This needed to end, so I started doing a people/environment "cleaning out my closet," (no pun intended although appropriate.
I wasn't quite sure what would happen during this process, some people reacted very angrily and hostile, hence verifying that they needed to go.
If you find yourself in a situation where you are giving more than taking in a friendship or environment (i.e. work,social networks) its time to evaluate the situation and decide whether the relationship is healthy for you or not. Try setting boundaries and see if that works, if not, phase two is removing yourself completely.
When you get that sick feeling in your stomach while in the presence of an individual; friend, colleague, or spouse, go with your gut, it will save your sanity in the end.
There are wonderful people out there waiting to experience a healthy friendships and journeys to share with you!